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User:Stanislaw Albinowski

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Stanisław Józef Albinowski (born 20 July 1923 in Lviv - died 25 January 2005 in Warsaw) is a Polish economist, columnist and journalist on economics.

He was born in Lviv, Ukraine at this time belonging to Poland. During World War II he was an enforced labourer in German companies in Nazi ocupied Poland (1940-1943) and Lithuania (Klaipeda, 1944).

In 1960 he graduated in economics from Political Economics Division of Warsaw University (Wydzial Ekonomii Politycznej Uniwersystetu Warszawskiego).

He was a jornalist for many Polish newspapers in years 1952-1980, and jornalist-correspondent in Bonn, Germany (1968-1972).

Governemental expert


Stanislaw Albinowski was also a governemental experts groups working on reports on how to deal with economic crisis in Poland in the 1980s, participating in publications: The report on the economy (Raport o stanie gospodarki) and The programme to overcome the crisis, (Program przezwyciężenia kryzysu) in 1981

Publications: Newspapapers and magazines


For most of his life we has a columnist and journalist for the biggest Polish newspapers and magazines, including:

Publications: Books

  • EWG a rynek światowy, 1965 (EEC and the world market, published in Polish, translated into Ensglish,m French and German)
  • Handel między krajami o różnych ustrojach. Po II wojnie światowej i prognozy do 1980 r., 1968 (Trade between countries with various constitutions. After WWII and forecasts till 1980)
  • Muellerowie na codzień, 1979 (The Muellers in everyday life)
  • Alarm dla gospodarki trwa, 1982 (Alarm for the economy)
  • Nawigatorzy gospodarki i inne polemiki, 1987 (The navigators of the economics and other polomics)
  • Pułapka energetyczna gospodarki polskiej, 1988 (The energetic trap of Polish economy)
  • Bogactwo i nędza narodów, Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warszawa 1996 (The wealh and poverty of nations)

Selected Awards

  • 1967, 1974 - Nagroda Klubu Publicystów Międzynarodowych SDP (Award of the International Columnist Club of the Polish Journalists Association)
  • 1974 - Nagroda Prezesa RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch (Award of the President of the Ruch Prasa-Ksiazka-Ruch /Polish press publishers and distrubutors)
  • 1974 - I Nagroda Klubu Publicystów Ekonomicznych SDP (1st Award of the Economic Columnist Club of the Polish Journalists Association)
  • Krzyż Oficerski OOP
  • Złoty Krzyż Zasługi

Albinowski, Stanisław Albinowski, Stanisław Albinowski, Stanisław Albinowski, Stanisław