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User:Lieutenant Blue

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Lieutenant Commander Blue


I am Lieutenant Commander Blue, an Executive Officer of Liberty Fleet. I am currently posted on the Sovereign Class star ship,
USS Poseidon.

Previous Assignments


My career began on the USS Poseidon as a Tactical Officer. I recieved my first promotion to Liutenant (junior grade) at the same time as I was promoted to the position of Chief Tactical Officer aboard the Poseidon. I later recieved a promotion tu Lieutenant (senior grade), not long before my transfer to Phoenix 7.

My Aims


I have noticed several sites dedicated to Star Trek cannon information (such as memory page alpha). I have also noticed that these sites do not allow fan-made items, and I think that's a real shame, because I think it's well worth noting. Some of these fan-made things will no doubt be lost forever, without ever getting noticed. So, where better to note them than here on Wikipedia?



Liberty Fleet is an author-created role-playing game based within the Star Trek universe. It currently consists of one starship and a starbase, and is run by the Liberty Fleet Council, a group of three authors who participate in the game. Liberty Fleet, like many other games in the role-play game genre creates an artificial environment; in this case based around the Star Trek concept. The characters in Liberty Fleet are each created by an author, whom develops the character through plot development and interactions with other characters. The games format is that of a Play By E-Mail role-play game.

The Ships


Liberty Fleet consists of one star ship and a space station. They are: (formerly) USS Poseidon NCC-46559-A, Phoenix 7 NCC-767442 and USS Arapaho NCC-62629

USS Poseidon


USS Poseidon (NCC-46559-A) is a Sovereign class starship in the Star Trek fictional universe. She was the flagship of Liberty Fleet, until her destruction.


Rank Name Position
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Captain Gage O'Banyon Commanding Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant Commander Blue Executive Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Ethan Zaret Communications Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Samthia Wej Navigator
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Robert Kendal Helmsman
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Julie Kay Chief Operations Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Kathryn James Operations Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Mirax Operations Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Caroline Stratton Chief Engineering Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Commander Ario Sanchez Research Engineer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Sarah Elliot Chief of Security
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Zander Blakeslee Security Officer
Ables'man Shar Security Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Richard Longshot Tactical Officer
Medical Sciences
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Samantha Tensenson Medical Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Thrishul Idrani Medical Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Nathan Warry Medical Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Reese Jackson Medical Officer
General Sciences
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) James Barlett Chief Science Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Yoran Science Officer
Demetrius Silverbird Bartender

Phoenix 7


Phoenix 7 is an upgrade of the Starbase 173 design, and is a starbase of Liberty Fleet. Originally named AV-5, the station was designed as an argicultural support station for the M-Class planet it orbits, Arcaria V. Over time, the Federation realized the station's logistical advantage in the quadrant and reclassified the station Phoenix 7, modifying it substantially to support leading-edge weapons research for Starfleet Tactical Command. The station still operates an agricultural support section, designed primarily as 'cover' for its classified research.


Rank Name Position
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Captain Duncan C Pritchard III Commanding Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Commander Leala Logan Executive Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Feelix Riley Communications Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Allison Abbott Operations Officer
Special Operations
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Jolie Brooks Chief of Special Operations
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Mark Ohm Special Operations Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Ferres Mons Special Operations Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) M'roal Engineering Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Malcome Thompson Engineering Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign S'arl Tactical Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Peter Albert Hallam Chief Security Officer
Medical Sciences
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant Commander D.Scott Becker Chief Medical Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Phobe R.Becker Nurse
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Chlöe Eberlee Counselor
General Sciences
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Kitara Rayne-Sai Chief Science Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Barnabas Tukino Science Officer
Vhorek Federation Ambassador

USS Arapaho


The USS Arapaho is an Akira class starship. In the Star Trek-based role-playing game Liberty Fleet it is the only remaining ship of the fleet and a defense and patrol vessel.


Rank Name Position
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Captain Zachary Russell Commanding Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Commander Alan Cavanagh Executive Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Dekon Summers Helmsman
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Jo'Mal Na'Hel Chief Operations Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Savar of Vulcan Operations Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Nathan Alexander Operations Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Nicole Steele Operation Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Votaryn Erisoll Chief Engineering Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign James Sieto Engineering Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Peter Kushner Engineering Officer
File:Full pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (s.g.) Sandra Vol Chief Tactical Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Solo Darklighter Security Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Allison Kay Mulhoune Security Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Jed Ver'Ak Security Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Tayla Sheppard Security Officer
Medical Sciences
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Yevon Sai Chief Medical Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Benjamin O'Connell Medical Officer
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Mallory Blane Head Nurse
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Lara Sashenka Counselor
General Sciences
File:Half pip.gifFile:Full pip.gif Lieutenant (j.g.) Daphne James Chief Science Officer
File:Full pip.gif Ensign Mouse Anderson Xenologist



The in game history (i.e.: the storyline) is basically a conceptual addition to the known Star Trek timeline. It follows each ship, respectively, and, from the individual character's points of view, adds on to the Star Trek timeline.

The actual history of the game dates back to December 2001, when the game was thrust into being by the "launch" of the USS Poseidon.

The game itself takes format, allowing players within it to create their own page or so long story from the point of view of their own unique character. This character then interacts with the others in the game.


Liberty Fleet