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Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Jus cerebri electronici

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This page is an archive of the discussion surrounding the proposed deletion of the pages entitled Jus cerebri electronici and Fifth World nation.

This page is kept as an historic record.

The result of the debate was to delete the articles.

Jus cerebri electronici aka Law of the Server: made-up twaddle -- we wnt through all of this with the original version of the Fifth World article, now he's back. -- The Anome 14:36, 28 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Articles created by User:IndigoGenius. Also Fifth World nation -- it's the same stuff all over again that had to be replaced by the real Fifth world article.

I mean, just read this:

From Fifth World nation:

In their short existence, Fifth World nations have already gained the respect of many Native Americans, who view them almost as fulfillment of their own Fifth World prophecies; they have gained the moral support of a multinational corporation (NewRoot); they have produced credible online universities and news services; they have given substance to new fields of academic study, and new concepts of law; they have conceived new religious ideas and religions; and finally, they even control several alternative top-level domains, and entire IPv4 networks.

Interpolated into Fifth World:

The Fifth World Native Americans prophesied may be coming alive today. The term Fifth World is currently used to describe both pre-industrial and post-industrial small nations, an unusual alliance of American indigenous and informatics tribes. In political science the term denotes Fifth World nations, an authentic New World Order.
Sometimes the words Fifth World and Indigo are associated with each other as well, and perhaps this is beginning to identify the neo-indigenous race of Native American prophecy.

Megalomania. Trimming as appropriate.

-- The Anome 14:39, 28 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

  • Delete all. Nonsense by His Majesty Cesidio Tallini. Wile E. Heresiarch 16:02, 28 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Seriously POV articles from self-admitted opinionated religious person. Jus cerebri electronici is patent nonsense. Fifth World and Fifth World nation have one msn group dedicated to it. Also see Talk:Indigo_child. and Image:Flag of Fifth World Council.jpg. This user needs someone to talk to him nicely; if he wants to hang around (hasn't been active since 14th). Respect right to have opinion but... delete Dunc Harris | Talk 16:10, 28 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Oh, not again. Please delete. - Lucky 6.9 16:21, 28 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Delete. Average Earthman 18:06, 28 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Delete all of this nonsense. RickK 19:30, 29 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Incoherent rubbish content - also now interpolated into the "micronation" article on Italian language version of Wiki. Delete--Gene_poole 21:23, 29 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • So the scientific ideas of the critics here about Cesidio Tallini are no better than simply delete all his ideas, right? Sounds very scientific! Kind of reminds me of what the Catholic Church did with Galileo Galilei, and they too were right! I also don't understand what the problem with religion is here; there are several articles about that in the Wikipedia, unless you are trying to say you are anti-religious, and that is about as unbiased as being anti-scientific. And why is Jus cerebri electronici aka Law of the Server "made-up twaddle"? Are you guys trying to say that the legal discoveries by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (Links to EFF are supplied below the article for reference), with which they successfully fought the US Government, are also "made-up twaddle?" You can actually prove that Jus cerebri electronici already works in the real world with that stuff! HM Cesidio Tallini may be eccentric, but he's not out of his mind. You people are! Let me also add that the Fifth World is mythology, and nowadays mythology becoming real (which doesn't deserve a well-written article?), and that has nothing to do with "made-up twaddle". "Made-up twaddle" is not mentioned in encyclopedias, while important myths are. I also don't understand why you've eliminated the article Fifth World nation entirely, unless you work for the US government, and therefore you have no business even commenting on these things if you still follow international law. Do you guys work for the US government? Are you telling me that contrary to international law, a People like Fifthworlders don't have a right to exist, and may be mentioned here only if you ecclesiastical, bull-shit artists approve? I say go read international law, because like the US, you are not following it here, and one day it will be used against the Wikipedia entirely. Yes, the Wikipedia will die just like you will, if it keeps on going down the way you're going. I'm an expert of prophecy or mythology from many traditions, and I know what I'm talking about. --IndigoGenius 21:37, 29 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Delete. Let him start his own webpage to peddle this nonsense. Denni 21:48, 29 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
    • I have plenty of websites, plenty of domains, plenty even of top-level domains. But go ahead and delete my hard work, as you guys seem to enjoy doing, and I swear to God, I'll delete the entire Italian article about micronation, which I wrote, and which is better written than the English one, and I have the right to destroy that article because I'm it's author entirely. And it won't end here either, you Mother Fornicators! It won't.--IndigoGenius 22:33, 29 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
      • The information at the bottom of the page says that you have given up all claim to the article. It is no longer yours. Although I wouldn't mind seeing all Micronation nonsense gone, it's not your choice to make. RickK 22:39, 29 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

There are plenty of people calling the Fifth World nonsense here, yet none of them are authorities on mythology, or authorities even on today's Fifth World movement. I bet that none of these "scientists" knows that Occam's Razor, what scientists gratuitously swear by these days, is a concept that was developed by a medieval Franciscan friar. I bet none these skeptics knows that Jeffersonian Dualism, that omnipotent concept of Church and State separation often taken to be "secular" today, is actually the n-result of thinking by an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther. Before the Protestant Reformation, such thinking would have been impossible, or people would have risked dieing for these ideas. These people call themselves "scientists," but they deny or grossly ignore that the very origins of science are in religion itself, and by doing so they show themselves to be even less than medieval monks! Even the first great scientists of the Renaissance were highly religious people, and Einstein too was very religious. These people couldn't shine those scientist's shoes! HM Cesidio Tallini does not think that an MSN Group is "encyclopedic," but that is exactly where the Fifth World movement was born, and the Fifth World is more than an MSN group, albeit an interesting one. The Fifth World controls at least 8 top-level domains that are even beyond powerful ICANN's control; in fact, ICANN doesn't even have jurisdiction over the TLDs of the Fifth World. And we wouldn't have it any other way. The Fifth World controls and actually owns an IPv4 network as powerful as the one the Falkland Islands owns, as powerful as the network of the Central African Republic. We can potentially act as hosts for 256 clients or servers, and I believe that is no joke. We also have among our citizens, a former Italian Minister of Parliament, a Canadian Internet Scientist that runs his own top-level domains in addition to our TLDs, and several brilliant persons of high human stature and potential. We also have the moral and other support of a Dutch multinational company. We run credible news services; a university doing pioneering research in several fields; and we run TLDs for the Savoy Royal Family, and for the government of Italy, with their knowledge and bewilderment. We support several non-profit organisations that have little or nothing to do with the Fifth World, and we enjoy the support of a few Native Americans from federally registered tribes. We are known to New York Senators, to Italian Senators, and to MEPs as well. If this is nonsense, I suggest you have your head examined, or study this movement directly for further evidence. Those very words you are using against this movement could one day come back to haunt you, as has often happened to senile authorities in the past who were too quick to judge. I may not have the right to destroy my own article, but I do have the right to state briefly what the Fifth World was called by the people of Wikipedia. If you have the authority to destroy and mutilate my articles, then you will be destroyed and mutilated by my mouth. --IndigoGenius 01:04, 30 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

  • I see your mouth moving, but all I hear is blah, blah, blah. I suggest you take a course in Getting To The Point. Denni 02:39, 30 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Oh, for goodness sakes! Racist and POV. Delete; send it back to Stygian emptiness from whence it came. Kael
    • Who is the racist here? People who call Indigos a non-existent race (as if you knew that race to begin with), or myself who doesn't have a fiber of racism in his body? And even the blah, blah, blah I write here is encyclopedic, by the way. You guys, on the other hand, have taken a decently written article about the Fifth World, and turned into a stub! That is vandalism without any merit whatsoever. You have neither spoken about the Fifth World in any credible way, nor have you've managed to get down and do some real research. I won't ask you what you know about mythology, because it's obvious you don't know a damn thing. I'll ask you this: where is your literary ability to make up for it? Where is the work that is supposed to improve mine? I hope some big guy from Wikipedia reads this and throws you bums out! If Italy was made up of bums like you instead of Michelangelo and Leonardo, there would have never been a Renaissance! We would still be in the Dark Ages. --IndigoGenius 14:42, 30 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
      • The big guy is called Jimbo, but you may seek dispute resolution if you have a particular cross to bear. Good luck with that btw. Dunc Harris | Talk 22:15, 30 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
      • Hmm. I'll quote from the unaltered article: "...According to their prophecies, Pahana will not be like the white men, who are cruel and greedy..." Naw, that's not racist. If you ask me, it was certainly worth keeping, if not for its scholarship than for its entertainment value. I'm sure all here will suffer a fuzzy purple doom of some sort for our lack of vision - but I can bear that with a great deal of fortitude. Kael

I'd just like to select a few quotes from the above:

  • "we run TLDs for the Savoy Royal Family, and for the government of Italy, with their knowledge and bewilderment"
  • "If you have the authority to destroy and mutilate my articles, then you will be destroyed and mutilated by my mouth."
  • "The Fifth World controls and actually owns an IPv4 network as powerful as the one the Falkland Islands owns, as powerful as the network of the Central African Republic. We can potentially act as hosts for 256 clients or servers, and I believe that is no joke."

BJAODN, I think. -- The Anome 23:20, 30 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Comment: Obscurantist piffle + megalomania - not encyclopaedic, but always good for a Monday morning guffaw. --Gene_poole 00:29, 31 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

I'm tired of talking here. And getting no results. The latest developments were taken out of the article Fifth World, making it even more of a stub, and an antiquated one; nobody visiting Micronation will now know there is even a Fifth World movement, since the link to Fifth World nation has also been eliminated (I wonder why); the Indigo child article was reduced even further, and recent work by other authorities other than myself was eliminated. I don't even want to meet this Jimbo if this is what he allows. It seems also that you guys don't even believe that the Fifth World does run its own TLDs, that the .god domains, and others, are not a figments of hundreds of people's imaginations. Any of you smart enough to verify, however, like a true scientist, are invited to visit this link on the Inclusive Namespace, and how to travel in it. It's a parallel Internet of 13 root-servers around the world, none of them controlled by ICANN. Jesus Christ is coming, and he'll probably have to burn this earth to the ground. I can't wait till he eliminates these imposters of humanity from my face. May the meek inherit the earth. Goodbye. I'm not working for this encyclopedia anymore. --IndigoGenius 02:01, 31 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

  • Take a tour on the Namespace link. It's too funny for words. The Kingdom of Bucksfan, with a buck (as in, a male deer, not a dollar bill) as a logo. Just for starters. I bet the kingdom of Bucksfan has a lovely store where you can buy fruitcake. Denni 04:43, 31 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
  • Delete...ye goodness. This is the part of the episode where I begin smashing my head on the computer desk and wishing this would just go away. This could be the longest BJAODN ever, or we could start Wikipedia:People_Who_Just_Don't_Know_When_To_Quit and make this the starter. If voting 'delete' makes me an Indigo-hating racist bastard, then hook me up. Sorry if I sound bitter. Lord Bob 17:14, May 31, 2004 (UTC)

See also Talk:Fifth World nation

This page is now preserved as an archive of the debate and is no longer 'live'. Subsequent comments on the issue or the deletion should be placed on other relevant 'live' pages. Please do not edit this page.